The title is inspired by the book “Sadhguru: More Than a Life” based on the different lives and accomplishments of Sadhguru. He is a Humanitarian, a Mystic, and an initiator of impactful initiatives such as #RallyforRivers, #ConsciousPlanet, and #SaveSoil. His recent endeavor began in March 2022 when Sadhguru officially launched the Save Soil campaign by riding his motorcycle through various countries to bring awareness to the deteriorating condition of our soil, which makes us who we are.

What Guru do we usually see riding a motorbike, enjoying sports, laughing from the bottom of his heart, and devoted to the well-being of human beings? Jaggi Vasudev, aka Sadhguru, is that Guru who, in economic parlance, has put money where his mouth is. He has delivered what He set out to do – consecrating spaces and people is his goal. With two large Ashrams – one in Southern India and one in Tennessee, USA, the Guru has built an enormous volunteer following identifying as Isha Meditators. Folks at the Ashrams come from all walks of life, and though Indian faces often seem to outnumber at the volunteer-run kitchens, people of all racial backgrounds and ages have access to spiritual components and practices at the Ashrams.

Sadhguru has single-handedly put yoga and spirituality on the global agenda. Whether at conferences or satsangs with meditators, Sadhguru has a message that people are receptive to. The bottom line is that the rational human brain has many questions, and this Guru has not yet gotten tired of inquiries. Although Sadhguru has indicated that there will be a point when He will stop answering the same questions, He has continued to go strong for decades since his enlightenment.

This Being is not afraid of using semi-self-deprecating humor and pointing out that it took Him three lifetimes, at least, to figure out the what, where, and how in the least we could do is to take advantage of Him as an instrument for experiencing a higher possibility. The multiple births and meticulous planning have paid off. He has taken birth at a time when humanity has figured out the best technology usage and his videos pop up on any topic on YouTube. Whether it be inner engineering or dealing with mother-in-law – He has something profound to say, and the people are hooked to hear the answers. Sadhguru often jokes that He repeats the same nonsense over and over because our attention spans are crap, and even when we get hooked, we tend to make U-turns and go back to our old ways. Yet, He is relentless and dedicated to bringing us what his Guru made possible for him.

Many often criticize his supposedly opulent lifestyle, travels, high-end cars, and Rolex. Sadhguru has been very forthcoming about the role of a guru and expectations, which revolve around how others think He is supposed to act. He’s a confessed former revolutionary or liberal in the contemporary sense. Sadhguru now believes that the time for revolutions is over and that we must work through the democratic systems and norms to be the change we wish to see. Sadhguru has also faced heat for the Save Temple movement, especially given that temples are razed to the ground in Tamil Nadu. This Guru is not afraid to take a stand, nor is He afraid to make his political views public at this point in life.

At various programs, people often confess that they were not looking for a guru, especially this type of Guru with a long beard and a turban. However, something positive sucks them all in. What is that something? Sadhguru is Unique, and his techniques WORK. Anyone who has been through the advanced programs has undoubtedly felt the other dimension, more popularly known as the other side of the wall. He speaks about transcendence and has successfully transformed people; thus, the proof is in the pudding. This personal, experiential aspect where a seeker touches Beyond under Sadhguru’s guidance sets Him apart from other Gurus. This Guru is absolutely involved; it would have been much easier for Him to be like other enlightened beings, stay away from the limelight, and embrace solitude. Like Him or not (and many don’t), one cannot take away from Him being around due to unconditional devotion to human beings. Such ineffable commitment should be hailed and appreciated. I am supremely grateful to have had opportunities to bask in Sadhguru’s Presence, which can only be experienced as More Than Life.

Featured Image: A Spring 2023 Blessing from My Guru

Book reference: Subramaniam, A. (2010). Sadhguru, More Than a Life. Penguin Books India.