Yoga as Comparative Medicine

Yoga is considered a form of comparative, complementary, alternative, and/or integrative medicine due to its holistic approach to improving health and overall well-being. The use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine…

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Declining College Enrollments: An Overview of Majors, Debt & Return on Investment

In the ever-changing landscape of higher education, colleges nationwide are grappling with a pronounced decline in enrollment. While researchers often attribute this trend to lower birth rates and demographic shifts…

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Yoga, Dharma and Ecology in Film Kantara

Kantara means forest in Sanskrit.  In the 2022 film Kantara, actor-director Rishab Shetty strives to bring elements related to yoga, dharma, and ecology and succeeds in creating brilliant cinema which…

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A Spiritual Journey: Exploring Nepal’s Religious and Cultural Landscape

Nestled in the heart of South Asia, Nepal, often considered India's younger sibling, beckons with its enchanting blend of history and spirituality. Beyond its breathtaking natural beauty lies a land…

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Kalaripayattu: Tracing the Indian Influence on Asian Martial Arts

Kalaripayattu, the ancient martial art of Kerala, India, is a testament to the enduring legacy of physical prowess, cultural heritage, and historical evolution. Rooted in both legend and historical documentation,…

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Artificial Intelligence, the Pandemic, Policy Punctuation, and Education Reform

Technology, also often referred to as Artificial Intelligence, has played a major role in making teaching, working, and learning more accessible during the Covid-19 pandemic. Discussions on education policy before…

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Microcosm as the Macrocosm – The Pancha Mahabhutas

In the six Darshanas, especially in Yoga and Ayurveda, the Pancha Mahabhutas (also known as the Five Great Elements) are considered fundamental principles that make up the physical universe, including…

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The Six Darshanas & The Historical Origins of Yoga

The Six Darshanas This write-up explores the age and origins of Yoga, delving into its connection with Indian philosophical traditions, especially within historical literature. Various philosophical systems have originated in…

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Sri Rama and Ma Sita: An Indic Perspective on Gender Roles and Harmony

A political scientist and a yoga instructor, I once found myself in a class with thirty-plus students discussing Prakriti (feminine energy) and Purusha (masculine energy) from a yoga perspective. Prakriti…

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Interwoven Legacies: China and India’s Dharmic & Cultural Interactions

A spiritually fruitful visit to China, especially to Guangdong and other historically significant sites, inspires this post. China's rich and diverse cultural history, spanning over 5,000 years, offers a unique…

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