Consecrations: Prana Pratishtha in Hindu Spirituality

Consecration, as outlined in spiritual practices, involves transforming a physical space, object, and even a human being into a realm of Divine potential. Loosely speaking, consecrations bring certain energy forms…

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Healthcare Challenges in Greece: Refugees, NGOs, and Yoga Interventions

The global financial crisis 2008 exacerbated Greece's economic struggles, coinciding with a surge in refugees due to political unrest in the Middle East. This circumstance led to a complex crisis…

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Harmony of Sound and Form: Exploring Sanskrit, Yoga, and Neuroscientific Perspectives

Discussions on the relationship between sound and form have emphasized the importance of sound in understanding the nature of existence. Ancient Hindu texts state that every sound corresponds to a…

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Rakhigarhi: A Case for “Indian Civilization”

Rakhigarhi, a significant archaeological site in Haryana, India, is linked to the renowned Indus Valley Civilization, or Harappan Civilization or culture, the earliest culture in the Indian subcontinent. It stands…

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Value of College: Majors, Debt, and Return on Investment

In the ever-changing landscape of higher education, colleges nationwide are grappling with a pronounced decline in enrollment. While researchers often attribute this trend to lower birth rates and demographic shifts…

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Wisdom of Yoga in the Bhagavad Gita: A Journey into the Inner Self

The Bhagavad Gita (loosely translated as the song of the divine), an ancient Sanskrit text and part of the Mahabharat historic mega epic, imparts profound insights into yoga practice. The…

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Indonesia’s Spiritual Tapestry: Gunung Padang and Bali’s Enduring Hindu Heritage

Indonesia's trajectory through history has been intricately shaped by a convergence of factors, including its geographical positioning, abundant natural resources, human migrations, wars, conquests, trade dynamics, and political evolution. As…

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Challenges in Higher Ed: Balancing Ideals, Academic Freedom

In essence, diversity, equity, and inclusion are commendable ideals - who would not want to be diverse and embrace inclusion? In theory, we appreciate the principles of diversity and inclusion,…

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Yoga for Caregivers: Enhancing Holistic Well-Being and Resilience

Caregivers provide physical, emotional, or practical support to those in need due to age, illness, disability, or challenging circumstances. Caregivers often experience burnout and compassion fatigue due to the demanding…

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Harmonizing with Cosmic Rhythms: The Significance of 108 in Time, Space, and Spirituality

The intricate interplay of time and human existence reveals a profound connection between Earth, the Sun, the Moon and the solar system, impacting the essence of creation and human life.…

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